Home News Update Everything you need to know before installing the Windows 10 Creators Update

Everything you need to know before installing the Windows 10 Creators Update

by Loknath Das

Windows 10 Creators Update release date

There shouldn’t really be a question of should you download the Creators Update: it’s free, and running the latest version of your operating system is the best thing you can do to keep your computer healthy, performing well, and safe from hacking and viruses. Microsoft will keep pushing security patches for older versions, but the easiest and simplest way to keep up-to-date is to download the Creators Update.

Of course, it’s not just security fixes in the update. Microsoft is calling it the “Creators Update” because of the creative-people-friendly features that have been stuck into Windows.

Paint has a new 3D mode, which allows you to draw 2D objects and extrapolate them into a 3D model in seconds. It’s mostly aimed at anyone using a VR or AR headset, as it brings VR object creation into the hands of everyone, and gives Paint a much-needed update at the same time.

Another app that’s getting a major bump is Microsoft Edge. Statistically, you’re probably reading this on a Chrome browser, but there’s still reasons to use Microsoft’s browser instead. It’s more battery and resource-efficient than Chrome, and thanks to the new update, it has new features that let you organize and group tabs far more efficiently.

Before you download the update, take this excuse to make the PC backup that you’ve been meaning to make for ages. Using the Windows Recovery tool and a spare hard drive, you can make an offline backup of your entire system that’s easy to restore. It’s good to have around generally, and a particularly excellent idea when you’re about to mess with your operating system.

When everything’s ready to go and it’s April 11th or later, Windows will start prompting you to install the update. Depending on your system, it could take up to an hour, so make sure you’re not planning on using your PC any time soon. If you want to get the update sooner, it’s available for you to manually download right now using the Windows Update Assistant.

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