Home Gadgets News Top 10 Frameworks To Become A Full Stack Developer In 2022

Top 10 Frameworks To Become A Full Stack Developer In 2022

by Loknath Das

Full Stack Developer

With the progressive technologies and changing digital ecosystem, the need for futuristic web development is expanding. The old-school designs are now no more engaging since customers are now more likely to engage with a dynamic website.

To keep your customers in line, it’s necessary to adopt the best full-stack framework to build a feature-rich application or website. But choosing the proper framework is not a cakewalk since you need to consider multiple factors to pick the one which suits your business needs.

Most developers prefer to become full-stack developers so that they can independently handle the back-end and front-end full-stack technology to build a functional website or application. A full-stack developer or engineer is expected to know back-end technologies like MySQL, Redis, Python, Django, Graphene (GraphQL), Rest, Docker, DynamoDB, etc., and front-end skills like Babel, Bootstrap, LESS, ES-next, Redux, React, etc.

Since full-stack technology allows developers to build a dynamic website that can leverage their business, the demand for these developers is on the rise. According to the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics, around 853,000 openings are projected for Full Stack Development by 2024. This shows that more and more companies are now looking for a full-stack developer than just a developer. But becoming a full-stack developer is not an easy job.

If you are a full-stack developer or want to learn full-stack web development, it’s best to know and understand some front-end and back-end frameworks. But keep in mind that only learn those frameworks which belong to your background. If you have a Python background, go for Django instead of Angular. On the other hand, if you are a JavaScript developer, learn Node JS and React.

In this article, we will uncover the top 10 best full-stack frameworks so that you can become a full-stack developer in 2022.

Top 10 Full Stack Frameworks For 2022

Here are some of the best and most popular front-end and back-end web development frameworks, which we think you should be familiar with to become a full-stack developer in 2022.

Django (Python Framework)

Django is an open-source web framework for clean and rapid pragmatic designs that follows the MTV (Model-Template-Views) architectural pattern. One of the best full-stack frameworks based on high-level python programming allows you to create a website or application easily and quickly.

An independent authority in the U.S. maintains it called Django Software Foundation (DJF). If you want to become a full-stack developer, you should learn Python, Django, MongoDB, MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL, Git, easy_install and Pip, and virtualenv to get hands-on full-stack web development.

Advantages of Django

  • Ease the creation of complex websites.
  • Reusability and pluggability of the components.
  • Low couplings, less coding, and rapid development.
  • Offer optional administrative to create, read and update the interface.
  • Better content management and CDN connectivity.

Used by: Instagram, Mozilla, Nextdoor, Bitbucket, etc.

Angular (JavaScript Framework)

Angular is a front-end full-stack framework based on JavaScript written in TypeScript. It’s also an open-source framework maintained by Google’s Angular Team which was developed by the same team that created AngularJS. Just like Java, you can write testable code.

If you don’t want to go for the React full-stack framework, then Angular is the best framework for a full-stack developer. You should learn the MEAN stack, MongoDB, Express.js, and Angular to start with Angular.

Advantage of Angular

  • Use of TypeScript to build high-quality applications.
  • Maintained by a specialized team of Google.
  • Extensive community and ecosystem.
  • Two-way data binding and improved speed and performance.
  • Support for lazy loading, i18n, and Ionic.

Used by: Google, Fobes, Paypal, Wikiwand, and UpWork.

React JS (JavaScript Library)

React JS is an open-source library (aka React.js and ReactJS) based on JavaScript. Using this, a full-stack developer can create User Interfaces based on UI components. This full-stack technology is used as a base to create a mobile application or single page.

React is maintained by Meta (formerly Facebook), providing a component-based development model. To start with React JS, you need to learn the basics of HTML, CSS, JSX, ES6, package manager (Node + Npm), Git, and CLI.

Advantages of React JS 

  • Enhance performance and excellent cross-platform support.
  • Easy to learn and use effective templates.
  • The help of handy tools.
  • Easier to create dynamic websites.
  • Reusable component and known to be SEO-friendly.

Used by: Facebook, British Broadcasting Corporation, Netflix, Salesforce, Asana, Instacart, and Dropbox. 

Node JS and Express.js (JavaScript Framework)

The combination of Node JS and Express.js is an open-source back-end web development framework. It is the best JavaScript web development framework to write server code and develop web apps.

These frameworks are one of the favorite frameworks of full-stack developers because they help them create a fully functional web application easily using the approaches and principles of Node.js. It’sIt’s best to learn JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js to understand the full-stack technologies.

Advantages of Node JS and Express.js 

  • Boost response time and performance.
  • Cost-effective and active community support.
  • High-performance and easy scalability.
  • Helps in building cross-functional teams.
  • Support caching.

Used by: MySpace, GreekList, LearnBoost, Storify, County, etc.

Spring Boot (JavaScript framework)

Spring Boot is built on the top of Spring Framework, an application framework used to run, set up, and configure web-based and straightforward applications. It is an inversion of control container for the Java platform, although it doesn’t impose any particular programming model.

Start with Spring Boot full-stack frameworks, start learning core Java, Servlets, Spring core basics, and Spring Boot.

Advantages of Spring Boot 

  • Fast and easy development of standalone applications.
  • Reduce the amount of source code.
  • No need for XML configuration.
  • Directly embed Jetty, Tomcat, or Undertow into spring-based applications.
  • Easy to set up and manage.

Used by: Udemy, CRED, Hepsiburada, ViaVarejo, trivago, etc.

GraphQL (JavaScript Library)

GraphQL is an open-source query language for APIs. It is a runtime for fulfilling queries within existing data. Facebook developed it, but in 2015 it moved to Linux Foundation, a non-profitable organization. It provides an approach to creating Web APIs and allows clients to define the required data structure.

This JavaScript library consists of a query language, static validation, type system, type introspection, and execution semantics. It’sIt’s always recommended to understand the basic concepts of Syntax, Relay, Apollo, and Resolve() before starting with GraphQL.

Advantages of GraphQL

  • No over and under fetching problems.
  • Best for complex systems and microservices.
  • Auto Generating API documentation.
  • Code sharing and API evolution without versioning.
  • Fetch data with a single API.

Used by: Facebook, Shopify, Instagram, Twitter, StackShare, The New York Times, etc.

Bootstrap (CSS Framework)

Bootstrap is an open-source front-end framework for modern app development. It is one of the best full-stack frameworks containing CSS and JavaScript-based design templates. If you are thinking of becoming a full-stack developer, you should consider learning more about Bootstrap.

To start with Bootstrap, it’s best to get familiar with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It is an ideal framework for developing mobile-first applications.

Advantages of Bootstrap

  • Lightweight and customizable.
  • Responsive structure and style.
  • Good community support and documentation.
  • Fewer cross-browser bugs.
  • Great grid system.

Used by: Spotify, Udemy, Robinhood, Lyft, Twitter, Lyft, Robinhood, StackShare, Postman, LinkedIn, etc.

Ruby on Rails (Ruby Framework)

Ruby on Rails is a web application framework written by Ruby. It follows the MVC (Model-view-Controller) framework to provide web pages, servers, and database structures. Also, it uses paradigms like active record pattern, DRY (don’t repeat yourself), and CoC (Convention over configuration).

This is another best full-stack framework that facilitates data transfer using web standards like XML and JSON. If you want to become a full-stack developer, understand CSS, HTML, and JavaScript first.

Advantages of Ruby on Rails

  • Conventions over configurations paradigm.
  • Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture.
  • Safe, secure, and suitable for businesses.
  • Rapid development and ease of maintenance.
  • Ease code maintenance and updates.
  • Automated testing.

Used by: Airbnb, Crunchbase, Bloomberg, Dribbble.com, GitHub, etc.

Flask (Python Framework)

Flask is a back-end python-based micro-framework. It is a microframework because it does not require particular libraries and tools. It supports extensions that add application features and allows the full-stack developer to build a solid foundation for web applications.

If you are a python developer, you should consider learning the Flask framework to know full-stack technologies.

Advantages of Flask

  • Higher scalability for simpler applications
  • Routing URLs is easy.
  • Easier to develop and maintain applications.
  • Technical experimentation and higher compatibility.
  • Easy to build a quick prototype.

Used by: Pinterest, Twilio, Uber, LinkedIn, etc.

jQuery (JavaScript Library)

jQuery is one of the best JavaScript libraries to simplify HTML DOM tree traversal and manipulation. It is free and open-source software, helping you in full-stack web development. According to W3techs, more than 10 million websites are using jQuery.

It’s a very powerful JavaScript library that provides CSS-like selectors. If you want to become a full-stack developer, start learning more about it.


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