Home Birthmarks Understanding Stork Bite Birthmarks: Causes, Treatment, and Management

Understanding Stork Bite Birthmarks: Causes, Treatment, and Management

by Loknath Das

stork bite birthmark

Stork bite birthmarks, also known as “salmon patches,” are common and harmless birthmarks that occur in infants and children. These birthmarks are characterized by their pink or red color and flat or slightly raised appearance, and they are most commonly found on the forehead, eyelids, upper lip, and back of the neck.

What Causes Stork Bite Birthmarks?

Stork bite birthmarks are caused by dilated blood vessels in the skin. These dilated blood vessels are more visible in the skin of newborns and young children, which is why stork bite birthmarks are more commonly found in these age groups. They are also more common in fair-skinned individuals.

Are Stork Bite Birthmarks Permanent?

Most stork bite birthmarks will fade on their own over time, typically within the first few years of life. Some stork bite birthmarks, especially those found on the forehead and neck, may persist into adulthood. However, they will usually become less noticeable as the individual ages.

Treatment Options for Stork Bite Birthmarks

Stork bite birthmarks are benign and do not require treatment. However, if an individual desires to have a stork bite birthmark removed, there are several treatment options available. These include laser treatment, dermabrasion, and topical creams. It is important to consult with a dermatologist or other medical professional before pursuing any treatment options.


Stork bite birthmarks are common and harmless birthmarks that occur in infants and children. They are caused by dilated blood vessels in the skin and are more commonly found on the forehead, eyelids, upper lip, and back of the neck. Most stork bite birthmarks will fade on their own over time, but treatment options are available for those who wish to have them removed. It is important to consult with a medical professional before pursuing any treatment options.

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