Apple’s iCloud Calendar Spam has been annoying many users off late, mostly due to many offers from brands in the holiday season. Apple looked to balm the outrage of disgruntled users last week, by announcing that the team is working on eradicating these junk invites. Now, the Cupertino giant has launched a new ‘Report Junk’ feature that will enable users to report any spam invites and block them from sending any more invites in the future.
This feature has been activated only for iCloud’s Web client, and should arrive for iPhone and iPad users soon. The Report Junk feature sits in the Calendar UI section, and only shows up for those invites that are from users not added in your contacts.
To use this feature to stop junk advertorial iCloud Calendar invites, head to and login with your Apple ID. Head to the Web Calendar UI, and find junk invites. Under every junk invite will be a new button called ‘Report Junk’. By pressing this button, a dialogue box appears to either confirm that the sender is under the category of junk or not. User can even press the ‘Not Junk’ button to reverse the steps taken and continue receiving invites. If you confirm that the sender is sending spam, then those junk invitations from the particular sender will be automatically deleted.
The invite will then disappear from all the synced calendars across platforms, and the sender will be reported to Apple. This is a great first initiative from Apple to combat the influx of spam.
[Source:-Â gadgets.ndtv]