Home Online Marketing Best Marketing Tools for Your Business

Best Marketing Tools for Your Business

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Everyone can now own a business, but to make it to the top of the market is a much harder thing to do. There are a lot of opportunities in the world we live in and if you have a great idea, with the right tools, you can accomplish much. Quality matters the most, so you need to invest some time in exploring what works best for your business.

Even if you know which business tools to use if you don’t use that information and make a change it won’t matter how much you invested. It is very important to use the data some programs will give you and apply it so the improvements can be made. It is crucial to adapt to the market and user needs.

Google Search Console

Everyone loves a free marketing tool they can use for their business. It is great if you want to track your website progress and what is going on in the world of organic search. It also has an option to connect with Google Analytics, so you can see how your pages are performing. You have to take action based on this data if you want improvement.

A click-through rate is very important for every website, so if you see a page that has a bad click-through rate, you shouldn’t even have it. Back in the day’s people used to update these pages, but with a new algorithm, it is better to delete them. You can also check keywords impressions. Whenever your ad appears on Google you will get an impression.


The reason why Ahrefs is popular according to some managers is that it shows how many backlinks you are losing. You can later go to the sites you want and ask them to link back to your page. You can also check the number of links your competition has. When you know what your competition is doing, it is much easier to improve because you can add some value to what they are doing and apply it to your business.

Another great feature is that you can type the name of a website and the program will show you the keywords they are ranking for. Besides that, you will see the traffic for each keyword so you can determine which one works the best. It is priceless when you know how many visitors your competition is having and where they are coming from. Every program that runs in a similar way won’t be 100 percent accurate and the same goes for Ahrefs, but it is surely over 80%.

Read more about it here: https://www.shivarweb.com/6608/ahrefs-guide/

Google Analytics

One of the simplest tools to use is Google Analytics and even Google has everything explained on their website. It is in their interest that people make better content and the best website to be on the first page in the search engine.

There are a lot of benefits like knowing where your users are coming from and what kind of the first impression you are making. You are able to see how much people are actually staying on the page and how much didn’t found what they are looking for which is the bounce rate.

Most of the online marketing except promotions can be done through it. But, it will also help you to decide which social media is the best for your business to promote on. The segmentation will become a lot easier when you see how your users are behaving and what interests they have.

Crazy Egg

If you are ready to invest in some tools, you may consider Crazy Egg. It is more advanced than some free tools you can have like a feature that allows you to see at the present time what your customers are doing. The tool is called Heatmap and it shows you where your users are clicking. Also, you can see in which part of the page they spend the most time and where they are scrolling the most.

There aren’t many quality tools that have interactive online analytics. It presents data results in a different way them most websites. The advantage of seeing what actually is going on your website besides analytics reports is a great benefit. It is like experiencing your website from a different perspective.

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