Home Birthmarks Birthmarks in the Eyeball: Understanding Ocular Nevus

Birthmarks in the Eyeball: Understanding Ocular Nevus

by Loknath Das


Our eyes are often referred to as the windows to the soul, but they can also reveal unique characteristics that are less commonly discussed. One such feature is an ocular birthmark or nevus, which is a relatively rare occurrence. In this article, we will explore the fascinating world of birthmarks in the eyeball, known as ocular nevi. We’ll delve into what they are, their causes, potential risks, and when to seek medical attention.

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I. What Are Ocular Nevus?

Ocular nevi, also known as eye birthmarks, are pigmented or non-pigmented growths that develop on various parts of the eye. These growths can appear on the sclera (the white part of the eye), the iris (the colored part of the eye), or even inside the eye.

A. Types of Ocular Nevus

  1. Conjunctival Nevus: Occurs on the thin, transparent membrane covering the eye’s white part.
  2. Iris Nevus: Develops on the colored part of the eye.
  3. Choroidal Nevus: Found inside the eye on the choroid, a layer beneath the retina.

II. Causes of Ocular Nevus

The exact cause of ocular nevi remains unclear, but they are believed to be a result of genetic and environmental factors. Some potential causes and risk factors include:

A. Genetics: Ocular nevi may run in families, suggesting a genetic component to their development.

B. Sun Exposure: Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation, particularly in individuals with fair skin, may increase the risk of developing nevi on the sclera.

C. Hormonal Changes: Changes in hormone levels, such as during pregnancy, can also influence the development of ocular nevi.

III. Potential Risks Associated with Ocular Nevus

While most ocular nevi are harmless and do not require treatment, there are certain risks associated with them, especially when they change in appearance. Some potential risks and complications include:

A. Melanoma: In rare cases, ocular nevi can transform into ocular melanoma, a malignant form of eye cancer.

B. Vision Changes: Nevus located on or near the iris can affect vision, causing blurred vision or glare sensitivity.

C. Cosmetic Concerns: Some individuals may find ocular nevi aesthetically bothersome, leading to a desire for removal for cosmetic reasons.

IV. Monitoring and Medical Attention

Regular monitoring of ocular nevi is crucial to detect any changes early and prevent potential complications. Here are some guidelines on when to seek medical attention:

A. Changes in Appearance: If the size, shape, or color of an ocular nevus changes, consult an ophthalmologist.

B. Visual Disturbances: Any vision changes or discomfort associated with the nevus should be reported to a medical professional.

C. Family History: If you have a family history of ocular nevi or eye-related conditions, it’s advisable to have regular eye check-ups.


Ocular nevi, or birthmarks in the eyeball, may be rare, but they can carry potential risks that necessitate careful monitoring. Understanding the types, causes, and associated risks of ocular nevi is essential for maintaining the health and well-being of your eyes. Regular eye check-ups, especially if you notice any changes in the nevus or experience visual disturbances, can help ensure early detection and timely intervention, if necessary. Always consult with an eye care professional for proper guidance and advice regarding ocular nevi.

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