LG on Sunday unveiled its latest G Pad III tablet in South Korea. The all-new LG G Pad III 10.1 FHD LTE tablet has been priced at KRW 429,000 (roughly Rs. 25,000) and is now available in the company’s home country. LG has also announced that it will expand the G Pad III series with a new 10.1-inch tablet model with Stylus support early next year. The new LG tablet comes preloaded with Microsoft suite of apps including Office, Word, and Excel apps among others.
The biggest highlight of the tablet is it comes with a built-in Kick Stand and runs on Time Square UX, which allows the tablet to be used as a desk clock, table top calendar, or digital frame. LG says that the Kick Stand supports folding and can adjust up to 70 degrees which means it doesn’t need an accessory.
For specifications, the LG G Pad III 10.1 FHD LTE features a 10.1-inch WUXGA (1920×1200 pixels) display and is powered by a 1.5GHz octa-core processor coupled with 2GB of RAM. It comes with 32GB inbuilt storage and supports expandable storage up to 2TB via microSD card.
It is based on Android 6.0 Marshmallow and supports 4G LTE via SIM card. On the camera front, the LG G Pad III 10.1 FHD LTE sports 5-megapixel cameras on the front and rear. It supports Wi-Fi 802.11 ac, Bluetooth 4.2, GPS, and USB Type-C connectivity options. It measures 256.2×167.9×7.9mm and weighs 510 grams. The tablet is backed by a large 6000mAh non-removable battery.In May, LG launched the LG G Pad III 8.0 FHD tablet in Canada priced at CAD 240 (roughly Rs. 12 400).
[Source:- gadgets.ndtv]