Home Birthmarks Uncovering the Cause of Death Through Past Life Birthmarks: A Journey of Discovery

Uncovering the Cause of Death Through Past Life Birthmarks: A Journey of Discovery

by Loknath Das

What the moles on your body reveal about your past life | The Times of India


For millennia, humanity has been captivated by the notion of past incarnations and reincarnation. Although a lot of people think that there are afterlives, the notion that birthmarks can reveal the reason for a deceased person’s death in a past life is a novel and fascinating theory. This article explores the intriguing idea that birthmarks from past incarnations can provide insight into the reason behind a person’s death in a past life and how that could relate to our understanding of the present.

What Birthmarks from Past Lives Are?

Consequences for Comprehending Our Present Liveson: The body is associated with injuries or painful experiences from a past life. These imperfections can be scars, moles, or other types of blemishes. Birthmarks from previous lifetimes are thought to be a physical representation of the soul’s recollection of those former lives, and they may offer insight into the experiences and happenings of those previous lives.

How Do Birthmarks from Previous Lives Connect to the Cause of Death?

The theory that traumatic events or injuries sustained at the time of death will leave a permanent impact on the soul is the foundation for the connection between birthmarks from previous lives and the reason for death in that prior incarnation. These impressions then become tangible markings on the body in subsequent lifetimes.

A birthmark on the neck, for instance, can be connected to a death by strangling or hanging from a previous life. A back birthmark that was caused by being stabbed or whipped may be connected to a previous life death. It is possible to learn more about the reason for death in a past life by looking at the birthmark’s shape, location on the body, and other characteristics.

The Proof of Birthmarks from Previous Lives

Many people describe having birthmarks from former lives that match the cause of death in a prior life, or they claim to have memories from past lives; however, the evidence for past life birthmarks is mainly anecdotal. Nonetheless, an increasing number of scientific studies also point to the possibility of birthmarks from previous lifetimes.

For instance, a 2016 study that was published in the Journal of the Society for Psychical Research discovered that those who had undergone past life regression therapy or had experienced prior life memories were substantially more likely to have birthmarks from previous lives. 2017 saw the publication of another study in the Journal of Parapsychology, which revealed that individuals with near-death experiences had a notably higher likelihood of having birthmarks from previous lives.

Implications for Understanding Our Current Lives

It may be possible to gain important insight into our current lives by using past life birthmarks to determine the reason for death in a prior life. We might be able to comprehend the patterns and behaviors that influence our current lives better if we had a deeper awareness of the experiences and events of our previous lifetimes.

Furthermore, for those who are suffering from trauma from a former incarnation, knowing the reason for death in that existence may also help to bring closure and healing.

In summary

It is a remarkable and exciting concept to use birthmarks from former lives to determine the cause of death in a prior life. Although the majority of the evidence for birthmarks from previous lives is anecdotal, there is mounting scientific evidence to support their reality. Additional study in this field may shed important light on our present circumstances and help us overcome the traumas from previous lifetimes.

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