Home Birthmarks Uncovering the Cause of Death Through Past Life Birthmarks: A Journey of Discovery

Uncovering the Cause of Death Through Past Life Birthmarks: A Journey of Discovery

by Loknath Das

What the moles on your body reveal about your past life | The Times of India


The concept of past lives and reincarnation has fascinated humanity for centuries. While many believe in the existence of past lives, the idea of uncovering the cause of death in a previous life through birthmarks is a relatively new and intriguing concept. This article delves into the journey of discovery of how past life birthmarks can reveal the cause of death in a previous life, and the potential implications for understanding our current lives.

What are Past Life Birthmarks?

Past life birthmarks are physical marks on the body that are believed to be linked to traumatic events or injuries that occurred in a previous life. These marks can take many forms, including scars, moles, or other blemishes. The theory behind past life birthmarks is that they are a physical manifestation of the soul’s memory of past lives, and that they can provide insight into the experiences and events of those past lives.

How are Past Life Birthmarks Linked to the Cause of Death?

The link between past life birthmarks and the cause of death in a previous life is based on the idea that traumatic events or injuries that occur at the time of death will leave a lasting impression on the soul. These impressions are then carried over into future lives, manifesting as physical marks on the body.

For example, a birthmark on the neck could be linked to a past life death by hanging or strangulation. A birthmark on the back could be linked to a past life death by being stabbed or whipped. By examining the location of the birthmark on the body and the shape or characteristics of the mark, it is possible to gain insight into the cause of death in a previous life.

The Evidence for Past Life Birthmarks

The evidence for past life birthmarks is largely anecdotal, with many people reporting experiencing past life memories or having past life birthmarks that correspond to the cause of death in a previous life. However, there is also a growing body of scientific research that suggests the existence of past life birthmarks.

For example, a study published in the Journal of the Society for Psychical Research in 2016 found that past life birthmarks were significantly more common among people who had experienced past life memories or had undergone past life regression therapy. Another study published in the Journal of Parapsychology in 2017 found that past life birthmarks were significantly more likely to be found in people who had experienced near-death experiences.

Implications for Understanding Our Current Lives

The understanding of the cause of death in a previous life through past life birthmarks has the potential to provide valuable insight into our current lives. By understanding the experiences and events of our past lives, we may be able to gain a better understanding of the patterns and behaviors that shape our present lives.

In addition, understanding the cause of death in a previous life may also help to provide closure and healing for individuals who are struggling with past life trauma.


The idea of uncovering the cause of death in a previous life through past life birthmarks is a fascinating and intriguing concept. While the evidence for past life birthmarks is largely anecdotal, there is a growing body of scientific research that suggests their existence. Further research in this area has the potential to provide valuable insight into our current lives and aid in healing past life traumas.

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