Home News Update 5 Essential Tips on How to Identify Your Child’s Learning Style

5 Essential Tips on How to Identify Your Child’s Learning Style

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Children are all different and this means that they all work in different ways and have different ideal learning styles. When you’re involved with your child’s education (as every parent should be) it’s important to identify which learning style works best for them. 

But how can parents help facilitate a child’s learning? How can you know what style is going to be most successful for your child?

Identifying a child’s learning style can be a trial and error process.

If you need guidance, we’re here to help. Keep reading for our favorite tips to help you learn how your child learns best.

  1. Try All Styles First

Some children thrive in any learning style but they may favor or succeed in one over the other. Trying everything “on for size” can help you figure out which learning style is best for your child, not just which one works. 

This is a guess and check process. You try each style and take note of your child’s response. Some children get frustrated when they’re met with the wrong style while others will be attentive but less successful. Trying each out will give you the big picture.

  1. Try Logical Teaching

Some children are logical learners right off the bat. They thrive in an environment that lets them put together difficult ideas and concepts and they’re able to put abstract thoughts together. 

They’re going to do well with building sturdy structures, so testing a child with blocks can be a good start for younger learners. You can also hire a math tutor online and see how these children catch on. Non-logical learners may struggle while logical learners will adapt. 

  1. Test Sounds and Verbal Explanations 

Some children are auditory learners. They do best when someone is giving directions verbally. They have an easy time imitating sounds, so while they may be adept readers, they’re learning phonetically. 

Children who do this may be better at memorizing through songs and rhymes and will have an easier time remembering facts and dates when spoken aloud. 

  1. Let Them Touch and Play

“Stations” aren’t just for fun. Some children learn best when they’re able to move from place to place. They process information while they move.

Giving your child something to fiddle with (like a fidget spinner or bubble wrap) will help if they’re a kinesthetic learner.

They may enjoy learning outside where they can feel the environment and they’ll grow frustrated with standard learning materials like activity books. 

  1. Show First

Visual learners are good at mimicking. They want to see first and then repeat. They have a harder time conceptualizing a math problem or activity without seeing it written down or acted out first (but when they do see it, they learn it quickly). 

These children may doodle while working, but this doesn’t mean they’re losing focus. They might be processing information in their own way. 

They work well with puzzles and diagrams and have a hard time repeating tasks when they’re only “told” what to do, not “shown”

What’s Your Child’s Learning Style? 

Whether they’re auditory, kinesthetic, visual, or logical learners, each child thrives best in certain learning environments. Learning your child’s learning style will help you give them a good guided learning experience at home.  

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