Home Birthmarks Can You Develop Birthmarks Later In Life?

Can You Develop Birthmarks Later In Life?

by Loknath Das

can you develop birthmarks later in life

Health is a long-term goal, and knowing what you can do now that will work towards that goal is important. Here you’ll find some tips on how to prevent birthmarks from forming in the future.

What makes a birthmark develop?

Most birthmarks (also called nevi) form during the early stages of pregnancy. Tiny blood vessels in the skin create the pigment that is seen as a birthmark. The color and shape of a birthmark will depend on which area of the body it forms on. Some people may develop birthmarks later in life, though this is not always the case. Birthmarks can occur at any age, but are most common between the ages of 10 and 30. Birthmark development can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, sun exposure, and even scarring from previous wounds. If you have a birthmark, don’t worry – there is plenty you can do to keep it looking healthy and beautiful. Examine it regularly to make sure it hasn’t changed in size or shape, and use sunscreen to protect it from the sun’s rays. If you have a birthmark that’s bothersome, consider seeking professional help to treat it safely and effectively. Most birthmarks (also called nevi) form during the early stages of pregnancy. Tiny blood vessels in the skin create the pigment that is seen as a birthmark. The color and shape of a birthmark will depend on which area of the

How does age play a role in the development of a birthmark?

Birthmarks are most commonly seen in infants and toddlers, and generally disappear by the time a person reaches their early twenties. However, there is variation from person to person, so some people may develop birthmarks later in life. Birthmarks can also be influenced by environmental factors, such as exposure to sunlight. There are a few things that can happen to a birthmark over time. The pigment that makes up the birthmark may fade or change, which can lead to a hue that is different from the surrounding skin. Additionally, growth of new tissue may cause the mark to enlarge or change shape. Finally, scars may form after an injury or surgery to the area where the birthmark is located. Most birthmarks are benign and do not require any treatment other than regular care. Depending on the type of birthmark, some people may choose to use sunscreen or avoid direct sunlight when they are outdoors. Occasionally, a doctor may perform laser therapy or other treatments to improve the appearance of a birthmark.


Birthmarks are often a very frustrating and uncomfortable condition, but fortunately there is help available. Birthmark removal surgery is an option that many people consider because it can improve the appearance of the mark and sometimes remove it completely. If you are considering birthmark removal surgery, be sure to speak with your doctor to learn more about your options and what risks might accompany them.

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