Home News Update How to Design a Minimalist Weather App using Expo XDE in React Native?

How to Design a Minimalist Weather App using Expo XDE in React Native?

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React native is a framework used to create cross-platform mobile applications for the platforms iOS and Android. In this context, we are going to discuss about Building a Minimalist Weather App using Expo XDE in React Native.

Getting Started: Requirements

If you are experienced with React Js, then developing the minimalist weather application would not be an issue for you. If you are a new one, you have to go through the basic concepts of the React JS. React Native is not a hybrid mobile app framework while comparing to other frameworks. It uses a bridge between native APIs and JavaScript of a particular platform. The requirements for developing the application are as follows,

  • You know how to write JavaScript
  • Familiar with React
  • Nodejs installed on your local machine
  • Simple npm commands

If you have these things, you can right after start the development process.

Getting Started: In real this time

  • Choose the template for your project
  • Choose the project name and directory
  • Write coding
  • Prototype
  •  First screen
  • Fetching the data
  • Dynamic behavior

Why Should You Take React Native Course?

The React native training course will provide participants the ability to become a robust developer. The candidates will also learn how to use React’s custom markup language to clean up your JavaScript code. The candidates will learn about the JSX, components and its concepts all through this course. This course covers the basic concepts of ReactJS and its tools. The candidates will learn how to resolve the front end programming issues. This course is something that will put you in demand in the web development industry. This course covers the following topics,

  • Introduction to Github links
  • The need for boilerplate projects
  • ReactDOM Vs React
  • Differences between component instances and component classes
  • Handling user events
  • Controlled components
  • Building lists with a map
  • What is React native
  • Putting React to practice
  • Implementation of a container class
  • Conditional rendering
  • Consuming actions in reducers
  • Planning and an overview of the app
  • Avoiding state mutations in React Native classes and more.

The benefits of learning this react native course are

  • Participants will able to describe the working and functions of React native
  • Participants will be able to create powerful and useful applications with Reactjs and native
  • Participants will gain knowledge about the concepts such as Babel, JavaScript syntax, toolchain supporting react, web pack and incorporating NPM
  • Participants will be master in the basic concepts of React Js including React Js applications
  • Participants will learn how to structure and organize React Js applications
  • Able to understand the power of building composable components
  • Understand the concepts of conditional rendering and implement a container class

At the end of this training, participants will be able to build rich internet applications. They understand how to build applications by using ReactJS native classes. What are you waiting for? Take the course and experience the above mentioned benefits.

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