Home Birthmarks The Enigma of the Strawberry Birthmark on the Head: Causes, Myths, and Treatment

The Enigma of the Strawberry Birthmark on the Head: Causes, Myths, and Treatment

by Loknath Das


A strawberry birthmark, scientifically known as an infantile hemangioma, is a common and distinctive type of birthmark that often appears on a newborn’s head or face. Its bright red appearance and rapid growth during the first few months of life can be quite alarming to parents. In this article, we will explore the phenomenon of the strawberry birthmark on the head, discussing its causes, dispelling myths, and exploring treatment options.

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I. What Is a Strawberry Birthmark?

A. Characteristics

  • Appearance: Bright red or deep purple in color, raised, and often well-defined.
  • Texture: Soft, spongy, and may appear as if a small piece of strawberry is embedded in the skin.
  • Size: Varies in size from a few millimeters to several centimeters.

B. Occurrence

  • Typically appears shortly after birth or within the first few weeks of life.
  • More common in premature infants.
  • More prevalent in females than males.

II. Causes of Strawberry Birthmarks

A. Hemangioma Formation

  • Result from an abnormal collection of blood vessels in the skin.
  • Exact cause remains unknown, but genetic factors may play a role.

B. Proliferation

  • Hemangiomas grow rapidly during the first few months of life.
  • Growth may slow or stop by the age of one.

C. Regression

  • Many strawberry birthmarks undergo spontaneous regression, shrinking and fading over time.
  • Complete resolution may take several years.

III. Debunking Myths

A. Maternal Diet

  • Contrary to popular belief, strawberry birthmarks are not caused by a mother’s consumption of strawberries during pregnancy.

B. Injury During Birth

C. Predicting Location

IV. When to Seek Medical Attention

A. Complications

  • Most strawberry birthmarks are harmless, but some may cause complications, such as ulceration, bleeding, or vision obstruction (if near the eye).

B. Medical Evaluation

  • Consult a pediatrician or dermatologist if you notice any signs of complications.

V. Treatment Options

A. Observation

B. Medication

  • If necessary, medications like propranolol may be prescribed to slow the growth of the birthmark.

C. Laser Therapy

D. Surgical Removal

  • Surgical removal is reserved for severe cases or when other treatments are ineffective.
  • It may leave behind a scar.


A strawberry birthmark on the head may initially raise concerns, but it is usually a benign condition that tends to improve with time. Understanding its characteristics, debunking myths, and knowing when to seek medical attention are essential for parents. While some treatments are available, most cases do not require intervention, allowing these unique birthmarks to fade away as your child grows. If in doubt, always consult a healthcare professional for guidance and reassurance.

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