Home Birthmarks When to Worry About Strawberry Birthmark

When to Worry About Strawberry Birthmark

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Strawberry birthmarks, also known as hemangiomas, are common skin conditions that appear at birth or shortly after. These benign growths can be alarming for parents, but in most cases, they pose no serious threat. In this article, we will delve into the world of strawberry birthmarks and discuss when you should be concerned and seek medical advice.

Understanding Strawberry Birthmarks

Strawberry birthmarks are vascular birthmarks caused by an overgrowth of blood vessels in the skin. They are typically small, red, and raised, resembling the texture and color of a strawberry. While they can appear anywhere on the body, they are more commonly found on the head and neck.

Types of Strawberry Birthmarks

  1. Superficial Hemangiomas
  2. Deep Hemangiomas
  3. Mixed Hemangiomas

When to Worry

While most strawberry birthmarks are harmless and resolve on their own, there are situations where you should seek medical advice:

Rapid Growth

If your child’s strawberry birthmark grows rapidly or becomes significantly larger in a short period, it’s a cause for concern. This could indicate an underlying issue.


Birthmarks that are near the eyes, nose, or mouth can pose a risk, as they might interfere with vital functions like sight, breathing, or feeding.


If the birthmark starts to break down, forming an open sore, it can lead to infection. Seek medical attention immediately.


Unexplained bleeding from the birthmark should not be ignored. It may indicate an issue with the blood vessels.


If the birthmark causes pain or discomfort, consult a healthcare professional for guidance.

Appearance Changes

If the texture or color of the birthmark changes, it could signal a problem. Document any alterations for your doctor.

Treatment Options

Most strawberry birthmarks do not require treatment and will fade away naturally over time. However, for those that require intervention, several options are available:


In some cases, doctors may prescribe medications to shrink the birthmark, particularly if it’s interfering with vital functions.

Laser Therapy

Laser therapy can help to reduce the redness and size of the birthmark, making it less noticeable.


Surgical removal may be considered for large or problematic birthmarks. It’s usually done under anesthesia.


Strawberry birthmarks, while often harmless, can sometimes be a cause for concern. Understanding the types, signs, and when to seek medical advice is crucial for ensuring the well-being of your child. Remember that consulting a healthcare professional is the best course of action when in doubt.


1. Are all strawberry birthmarks the same?

No, there are different types of strawberry birthmarks, including superficial, deep, and mixed.

2. Can strawberry birthmarks be prevented?

Unfortunately, there is no known way to prevent strawberry birthmarks from occurring.

3. Do all strawberry birthmarks require treatment?

No, many strawberry birthmarks will fade on their own and do not require treatment.

4. Are strawberry birthmarks painful?

Strawberry birthmarks are usually painless, but if they cause discomfort, medical attention should be sought.

5. Can adults develop strawberry birthmarks?

While strawberry birthmarks are more common in infants, they can develop in adults, albeit rarely.

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