Home Birthmarks Understanding Salmon Patch Birthmarks: Causes, Types, and Treatment Options

Understanding Salmon Patch Birthmarks: Causes, Types, and Treatment Options

by Loknath Das

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Salmon patches, also known as nevus simplex or angel kisses, are common birthmarks that are present at birth or appear within the first few weeks of life. They are usually pink or reddish in color and can appear on the eyelids, forehead, upper lip, or back of the neck. In this article, we will discuss the causes, types, and treatment options for salmon patch birthmarks.


Salmon patches are caused by dilated blood vessels in the top layer of skin. They are benign, meaning they are not cancerous, and do not pose any health risks. They are also not hereditary, meaning they are not passed down from parents to children.


There are two types of salmon patches:

Superficial salmon patch:

This type of salmon patch is located on the surface of the skin and is usually smaller in size.

Deep salmon patch:

This type of salmon patch is located deeper in the skin and is usually larger in size.

Treatment Options:

Salmon patches are generally harmless and do not require treatment. However, some people may choose to have them removed for cosmetic reasons. Treatment options include:


This involves freezing the salmon patch with liquid nitrogen.

Laser therapy:

This involves using a laser to destroy the blood vessels that make up the salmon patch.

Topical creams:

A cream containing hydroquinone can be used to lighten the color of the salmon patch.


Salmon patches are common birthmarks that are present at birth or appear within the first few weeks of life. They are caused by dilated blood vessels in the top layer of skin and are benign, meaning they are not cancerous, and do not pose any health risks. There are two types of salmon patches, superficial and deep salmon patches. Treatment options are available for those who want to remove them for cosmetic reasons.

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