Home Birthmarks Understanding Red Birthmarks on the Face: Causes, Types, and Treatment Options

Understanding Red Birthmarks on the Face: Causes, Types, and Treatment Options

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Premium Photo | Woman with real port wine stain birthmark on her face

Red birthmarks are a common occurrence in infants and young children. They are caused by abnormal blood vessel growth under the skin, resulting in a red or pink appearance on the surface of the skin. Although they are not harmful, red birthmarks can cause aesthetic concerns for some people. In this article, we will discuss the causes, types, and treatment options for red birthmarks on the face.

Causes of Red Birthmarks on the Face

Red birthmarks on the face are caused by abnormal blood vessel growth under the skin. The exact cause of this abnormal growth is unknown, but research suggests that genetics and environmental factors may play a role. For example, some studies suggest that exposure to certain medications or toxins during pregnancy may increase the risk of red birthmarks in infants.

Types of Red Birthmarks on the Face

There are two main types of red birthmarks on the face: vascular birthmarks and pigmented birthmarks.

  1. Vascular Birthmarks Vascular birthmarks are caused by abnormal growth of blood vessels under the skin. They can appear anywhere on the body but are most commonly found on the face. There are several types of vascular birthmarks, including:
  • Port-wine stain: This is a flat, red or purple birthmark that appears on one side of the face. It usually grows as the child grows and can become thicker and darker over time.
  • Strawberry hemangioma: This is a raised, red birthmark that can appear anywhere on the face. It usually appears within the first few weeks of life and can grow rapidly in the first six months before shrinking and disappearing on its own by age 5-10.
  • Salmon patch: This is a flat, pink birthmark that appears on the forehead, eyelids, or neck. It usually fades on its own within the first year of life.
  1. Pigmented Birthmarks Pigmented birthmarks are caused by an overgrowth of pigment-producing cells in the skin. They can appear anywhere on the body but are most commonly found on the face. There are several types of pigmented birthmarks, including:
  • Café-au-lait spot: This is a flat, light brown birthmark that can appear anywhere on the body. It is usually oval-shaped and can grow in size over time.
  • Mongolian spot: This is a flat, blue-gray birthmark that is usually found on the lower back or buttocks. It is more common in people with darker skin tones.

Treatment Options for Red Birthmarks on the Face

Most red birthmarks on the face do not require treatment as they usually fade or disappear on their own over time. However, if the birthmark is causing aesthetic concerns or is affecting the child’s quality of life, treatment options may be considered. Some common treatment options for red birthmarks on the face include:

  1. Laser therapy Laser therapy uses a high-energy laser to destroy the blood vessels causing the birthmark. This treatment is usually performed over several sessions and may cause temporary bruising or swelling.
  2. Surgery In some cases, surgery may be required to remove the birthmark. This option is usually reserved for larger birthmarks that are causing functional or cosmetic concerns.
  3. Medications Certain medications may be prescribed to help shrink or fade the birthmark. For example, beta-blockers or steroids may be used to reduce the size of a hemangioma.


Red birthmarks on the face are a common occurrence in infants and young children. While they are not harmful, they can cause aesthetic concerns for some people. Understanding the causes, types, and treatment options for red birthmarks on the face can help parents make informed decisions about their child’s care.

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