Home Birthmarks Understanding Salmon Patch Birthmarks: Causes, Characteristics, and Treatment Options

Understanding Salmon Patch Birthmarks: Causes, Characteristics, and Treatment Options

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Birthmarks are common skin abnormalities that can develop on newborns and infants. One of the most common types of birthmarks is the salmon patch, also known as the stork bite or angel kiss. In this article, we will discuss the causes, characteristics, and treatment options for salmon patch birthmarks.

What is a Salmon Patch Birthmark?

A salmon patch birthmark is a flat, pink or red patch of skin that is present at birth or appears shortly thereafter. The patch may be irregularly shaped and can vary in size. Salmon patches are typically found on the face, neck, or forehead, but they can also appear on other areas of the body. The name “salmon patch” comes from the color and pattern of the birthmark, which resembles the scales of a salmon.

Causes of Salmon Patch Birthmarks

Salmon patches are caused by the dilation of small blood vessels near the surface of the skin. This dilation is due to an increase in the amount of blood flowing through these vessels. The exact cause of this dilation is unknown, but it is believed to be related to the development of the circulatory system in the fetus.

Salmon patches are not hereditary, and they are not caused by any specific environmental factors. They are also not associated with any medical conditions, and they do not require any medical treatment in most cases.

Characteristics of Salmon Patch Birthmarks

Salmon patches are typically flat and smooth to the touch. They are usually pink or red in color, and they may be more noticeable when the baby is upset or crying. Salmon patches are most commonly found on the face, neck, or forehead, and they may fade or disappear over time.

Salmon patches can be mistaken for other types of birthmarks, such as port-wine stains or hemangiomas. However, salmon patches are typically smaller and less noticeable than these other types of birthmarks.

Treatment Options for Salmon Patch Birthmarks

In most cases, salmon patch birthmarks do not require any medical treatment. They are a harmless and temporary condition that will fade or disappear on their own over time. However, if the birthmark is particularly large or noticeable, it may be treated with laser therapy or other cosmetic treatments.

Laser therapy is a non-invasive procedure that uses focused light to target and destroy the blood vessels that cause the birthmark. This treatment is usually performed on older children or adults, as it may be too risky for infants.

In some cases, the birthmark may be surgically removed. However, this is usually only done in cases where the birthmark is causing functional problems, such as interfering with vision or breathing.


Salmon patch birthmarks are a common and harmless skin condition that affects many newborns and infants. They are caused by the dilation of small blood vessels near the surface of the skin and typically appear on the face, neck, or forehead. While salmon patches do not require any medical treatment in most cases, laser therapy or surgical removal may be used in cases where the birthmark is particularly large or noticeable.

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