As the internet’s 2nd biggest search engine with a 20% market share, any changes to Bing will certainly have an effect on businesses.If your website is not yet mobile friendly, the update which should roll out on Bing in a couple of months, will surely have an impact.
Following Google’s mobile update, countless businesses were hard hit hard by falling mobile rankings.
What Bing Expects
Similar to Google, Bing’s mobile-friendly test gives an idea of what the search engine expects from mobile websites:
- Viewport and Zoom control configuration
- Width of page content – Does the content fit the screen?
- Readability of text on the page – Can the content be read on a small mobile screen?
- Spacing of links and other elements on the page – Can all elements be used without conflict?
- Use of incompatible plug-ins – Elements that won’t work on mobile devices.
Does Your Website Pass Bing’s Mobile-Friendly Test?
Run the mobile friendliness checker for yourself, does your website pass the test?
If your website doesn’t meet the expectations of mobile users you will quickly lose them to competitor websites.
For more information on the announcement from Bing & to learn about their requirements visit the Bing Blog. There is a lot of helpful information so it’s worth checking out.